Friday 12 October 2012

Front Cover Analysis

I will be making changes to my magazine, the size of the picture and the picture itself, and also I will be changing the font of my title.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Magazine Questionare

Magazine Questionnaire

What magazine title do you prefere?

o   Beaverwood Times

o   Beaverwood News

o   News at Beaverwood

o   Beaverwood weekly

 What articles would you like to see in the magazine? (more than one)

o   GCSE results

o   Gossip page

o   Subject news

o   Exam tips

o   HW tips

o   Horoscopes

o   Other?

How much would you be willing to pay?

o   Free

o   20p

o   50p

o   £1

Would you like a free gift?

o   Yes

o   No

How often do you think the magazine should be published?

o   Weekly

o   Monthly

Thursday 13 September 2012

Magazine Cover Annotation


First we have the name of the magazine in big bold writing, 'OK!' using white font on a red background which makes the title stand out and eye catching. There are no dull colours on the cover, only eye catching, bright, happy appealing colours are shown, this could make the reader pick it up and buy it.

All of the titles of the stories the magazines contain are also in big bold writing to catch the readers eye, the magazine cover also includes different pictures showing you whom the stories include eg. Simon Cowell, Prince Harry.

The pictures vary in angles, in the top right hand corner we have a full body shot of Kerry Katona, underneath that we have a close up on  Chantelle and her baby, underneath that we have again a full body shot, but on Simon Cowell, and the biggest picture has clearly been edited, cut and put together.
Its good to have pictures on the cover of a magazine as it helps give an inside of the contents of it, especially if the picture is of a celebrity, if the reader sees their favourite celebrity on the cover, looking glamorous, they're obviously more likely to buy it.

Thursday 6 September 2012

TV Drama - Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road is a british television drama series produced by Shed Productions, the company responsible for Bad Girls and Footballers' Wives. The series focuses on the lives of the school's teachers and students, and confronts social issues such as extra material affairs, abortion, divorce, child abuse and suicide.

Tarik Siddiqui played by Naveed Choudhry is now paraplegic and  uses a wheelchair. He's starting to wonder whether life's worth living in a wheelchair, and contemplates suicide. New student Connor, played by Shane O'Meara tries to control his Alcoholic mothers drinking habit.

Current characters
episode watched

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Media Representation

Media Representation

Representation refers to the construction in any medium (especially the mass media) of aspects of 'reality' such as people, places, objects, events, cultural identities and other abstract concepts. Such representations may be in speech or writing as well as still or moving pictures.

The term refers to the processes involved as well as to its products. For instance, in relation to the key markers identity

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The media represents a variety of age groups, races, religions, genders act. Media representation can sometimes be false and so many of the public protest against it. For example, the younger generation are represented in a very steriotypical way in the media, to be abusive, ignorant and rude. Leaving those who are not amount the younger generation to have assumptions of "teens" which are not always true. Although the media can have a negative representation of things there are also useful aspects such as; useful finds in scientific fields which may be in the news. Media representation comes in many different forms, news papers, tv advertisements, news, magazines ect. 

Three Resources I Found Most Interesting and Helpful and Why

Whilst viewing the Beaverwood media hub, I found the following links and resources to be most helpful and interesting:

1) The first post I found most helpful was the 'How to Create a Blog on Blogger' as it explained the basic things i needed to know. I knew how to make an account but wasn't too sure if i knew how to make a post but once I was on it, it was clear to me how to. Something I found most useful was the way it showed me how to edit my layout by using 'Template Designer'.

2) I found 'Your AS Media Bridging Unit' helpful because it tells me how much of the work will be coursework and how much will be exam based. It also tells me how my work is going to be assessed.

3) I also found 'The Drama Genre' helpful because the video showed me how different camera angles, sound affects and voices can create a dramatic scene.

My Resources:

How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Beaverwood Media